

张泰瑞 副研究员


Email: tairui_zhang@163.com


06/2021-  版权所有 437必赢会员中心(中国区)·有限公司官网,副研究员

在役结构力学性能的微损检测技术及仪器研制。包含 (1) 压入理论的普适性研究。创新性地提出了具有普适性的单轴力学性能增量压入模型,相关研究通过30余种工程材料进行了验证,产生SCI收录论文5篇,其中4篇发表于JCR一区期刊。(2) 多种工况下压入方法的可靠性研究。针对高温及残余应力工况对现有压入模型做出改进,确保了该方法在实际工况下的有效性。相关研究产生SCI收录论文2篇。(3) 现场化压入试验机研发。依托于国家自然科学基金和重点研发课题,申请人团队以上述研究成果为核心技术,开发出现场化的压入试验机,助力在役结构力学性能检测。在役结构完整性评估。包含 (1) 基于细观损伤的断裂韧度估算方法。提出了符合材料细观损伤机理的断裂韧度非预制裂纹试样测算模型。该成果获得了国内外同行的认可,并在压力容器与管道领域顶级会议,ASME 2018 PVP conference 中获奖。相关成果产生SCI收录论文2篇,均发表于JCR一区的力学领域权威期刊INT J MECH SCI,并申请了国家发明专利 (CN108982261B,已授权)。(2) 结构复杂受力下的多尺度力学行为及模型化表征。通过细观孔洞的力学响应,建立起宏观结构复杂受力下的力学行为预测模型,为实际工程结构极端工况下的失效行为预测提供了理论依据。研究成果发表于断裂力学领域权威期刊FATIGUE FRACT ENG M。(3) 应力腐蚀裂纹的模型化表征及评价。针对压水堆和沸水堆中发现的大长宽比应力腐蚀裂纹,提出以矩形表面裂纹进行模型化表征,并建立起计算应力强度因子的数据库及权函数方法,研究成果发表于 IJ PVP。(4)在役装备风险大数据智能评估平台,依托压入检测等无损/微损检测数据构建工业基础数据库,为生产企业提供风险预警和决策依据。

International Journal of Electronics and Communications 审稿人

Frontiers in Chemistry 审稿人

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 审稿人

Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 审稿人

International Journal of Materials Science and Applications 审稿人



  • [1] Zhang T , Lu K , Katsuyama J , et al. Stress intensity factor solutions for surface cracks with large aspect ratios in cylinders and plates [J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2021, 189, 104262 (SCI, IF 2.23, WOS:000614145400011).

  • [2] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. An energy-based method for flow property determination from a single-cycle spherical indentation test (SIT)[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 171, 105369. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000525417400005)

  • [3] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A comparative study on fracture toughness calculation models in spherical indentation tests (SITs) for ductile metals[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 160: 114-128. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000485209700010)

  • [4] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A unified energy release rate based model to determine the fracture toughness of ductile metals from unnotched specimens[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 150: 35-50. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000458597800005)

  • [5] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A constitutive model independent analytical method in determining the tensile properties from incremental spherical indentation tests (ISITs)[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 148: 9-19. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000448097900002)

  • [6] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A comparative study on uniaxial tensile property calculation models in spherical indentation tests (SITs)[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 155: 159-169. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000468721800013)

  • [7] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. Method to determine the optimal constitutive model from spherical indentation tests[J]. Results in physics, 2018, 8: 716-727. (SCI, IF 4.019, WOS:000428027700100)

  • [8] Zhang T, Guo J, Wang W. A strain-pattern-based spherical indentation method for simultaneous uniaxial tensile residual stress and flow property determination[J]. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2020. (SCI, IF 1.63, WOS:000537816700001)

  • [9] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A study on determination of tensile properties of metals at elevated temperatures from spherical indentation tests[J]. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2019, 54(5-6): 331-347. (SCI, IF 1.63, WOS:000489390000001)

  • [10] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. Determination of the proof strength and flow properties of materials from spherical indentation tests: an analytical approach based on the expanding cavity model[J]. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2018, 53(4): 225-241. (SCI, IF 1.63, WOS:000432135300004)

  • [11] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. Improved methods to determine the elastic modulus and area reduction rate in spherical indentation tests[J]. Materials Testing, 2018, 60(4): 355-362. (SCI, IF 0.799, WOS:000429292400003)

  • [12] Zhang T, Wang W. Li A, The spherical indentation approach for fracture toughness evaluation: A study based on the energy release rate [C], ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Prague, 2018. (EI, Accession number: 20184706125668)

  • [13] Zhang T, Wang W. Li A, A Study on the Ball Indentation Test for Linear Hardening Metals [C], ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Hawaii, 2017. (EI, Accession number: 20174704421825)



[1] 国家自然科学基金“虑及焊接接头韧脆过渡特性的压入损伤机理及断裂韧度预测方法研究”(30万元)

[2] 省优势学科经费“异种钢焊接接头单轴力学性能的压入检测”(20万元)

[3] 企业课题“手持式压入检测仪器开发与试制”(27万元)

[4] 企业课题“承压设备力学性能的压入检测技术开发”(19.2万元)

[5] 企业课题“力学性能微小试样测试仪器与配套软件开发(30万元)

[6] 企业课题“基于细观损伤本构的超期服役老旧不锈钢失效行为预测(9万元)


[1] 国家自然科学基金“自动球压痕法测试材料力学性能的机理和普适性研究”

[2] 国家重点研发课题“材料性能微损测试关键技术研究及仪器研制”




张泰瑞 微损检测;数字图像相关;固体力学
Personal Introduction

张泰瑞 副研究员


Email: tairui_zhang@163.com

Educational Background
  • [1] Zhang T , Lu K , Katsuyama J , et al. Stress intensity factor solutions for surface cracks with large aspect ratios in cylinders and plates [J]. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2021, 189, 104262 (SCI, IF 2.23, WOS:000614145400011).

  • [2] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. An energy-based method for flow property determination from a single-cycle spherical indentation test (SIT)[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 171, 105369. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000525417400005)

  • [3] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A comparative study on fracture toughness calculation models in spherical indentation tests (SITs) for ductile metals[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 160: 114-128. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000485209700010)

  • [4] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A unified energy release rate based model to determine the fracture toughness of ductile metals from unnotched specimens[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 150: 35-50. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000458597800005)

  • [5] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A constitutive model independent analytical method in determining the tensile properties from incremental spherical indentation tests (ISITs)[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 148: 9-19. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000448097900002)

  • [6] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A comparative study on uniaxial tensile property calculation models in spherical indentation tests (SITs)[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 155: 159-169. (SCI, IF 4.631, WOS:000468721800013)

  • [7] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. Method to determine the optimal constitutive model from spherical indentation tests[J]. Results in physics, 2018, 8: 716-727. (SCI, IF 4.019, WOS:000428027700100)

  • [8] Zhang T, Guo J, Wang W. A strain-pattern-based spherical indentation method for simultaneous uniaxial tensile residual stress and flow property determination[J]. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2020. (SCI, IF 1.63, WOS:000537816700001)

  • [9] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. A study on determination of tensile properties of metals at elevated temperatures from spherical indentation tests[J]. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2019, 54(5-6): 331-347. (SCI, IF 1.63, WOS:000489390000001)

  • [10] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. Determination of the proof strength and flow properties of materials from spherical indentation tests: an analytical approach based on the expanding cavity model[J]. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2018, 53(4): 225-241. (SCI, IF 1.63, WOS:000432135300004)

  • [11] Zhang T, Wang S, Wang W. Improved methods to determine the elastic modulus and area reduction rate in spherical indentation tests[J]. Materials Testing, 2018, 60(4): 355-362. (SCI, IF 0.799, WOS:000429292400003)

  • [12] Zhang T, Wang W. Li A, The spherical indentation approach for fracture toughness evaluation: A study based on the energy release rate [C], ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Prague, 2018. (EI, Accession number: 20184706125668)

  • [13] Zhang T, Wang W. Li A, A Study on the Ball Indentation Test for Linear Hardening Metals [C], ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Hawaii, 2017. (EI, Accession number: 20174704421825)

Professional Experience


[1] 国家自然科学基金“虑及焊接接头韧脆过渡特性的压入损伤机理及断裂韧度预测方法研究”(30万元)

[2] 省优势学科经费“异种钢焊接接头单轴力学性能的压入检测”(20万元)

[3] 企业课题“手持式压入检测仪器开发与试制”(27万元)

[4] 企业课题“承压设备力学性能的压入检测技术开发”(19.2万元)

[5] 企业课题“力学性能微小试样测试仪器与配套软件开发(30万元)

[6] 企业课题“基于细观损伤本构的超期服役老旧不锈钢失效行为预测(9万元)


[1] 国家自然科学基金“自动球压痕法测试材料力学性能的机理和普适性研究”

[2] 国家重点研发课题“材料性能微损测试关键技术研究及仪器研制”

Research Interests



Refereed Journals
Other Professional Activities
Selected Publications
Research Projects
Patents and Applications