“新质装备前沿讲堂”第二十一场:Prof Peter Xu——Soft Robotics, a case study in human digestion



Professor Peter Xu is the Chair inMechatronics Engineering and ProgrammeDirector of BE (Hons) in Mechatronics Engineering at The University ofAuckland, New Zealand. 

Prior to Auckland, Prof Xu workedat Massey University, New Zealand (1999-2010), the City University of Hong Kong(1993-1998), the University of Stuttgart, Germany (1990-1992) and SoutheastUniversity, China (1988-1989). He received the BE and the ME degrees fromSoutheast University, China, in 1982 and 1985, respectively, and the PhD degreein mechatronics from Beihang University, China, in 1988.

Professor Xu has served asAssociate Editors for journals: IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Open Journal of IndustrialElectronics Society, ASME Journal of Science and Engineering in Medical Diagnosticsand Therapy, and Journal of Field Robotics.


ProfXu will describe the fundamental challenges and opportunities in the emergingfield of soft robotics, with a focus on the robots his lab has developed toperform in vitro bio-mimic simulations of human digestion processes. He willpresent how soft robotic esophagus, stomach and tongue are specified, designedand developed, and showcase their real-life applications such as esophagealstent migration test, pharmaceutical drug’s swallowability study and opioiddrug’s chewing for drug release study. Prof Xu will also introduce theUniversity of Auckland for the purpose of encouraging potential students toapply for China Scholarship Council’s doctoral scholarship.


